You will probably have to replace yours every few years. In fact, out of all the parts of the vehicle that are used to start it up and to make the engine power on, the spark plugs are probably the most likely to need replacements. Your spark plugs are going to wear out over time. When Should You Have Your Spark Plugs Replaced? By keeping your spark plugs in good condition, you can avoid a lot of these problems and conserve fuel efficiency. Its fuel efficiency will be poor, and it may have trouble getting the power it needs to run smoothly and to power up large inclines. Your vehicle may run with the spark plugs worn down, but it won’t run very well. There are a lot of components that work together to make the vehicle start, but few are as quickly worn down as spark plugs. If you can make sure they are replaced every year or so, you should have very few problems with vehicle startup. If they start to wear out, they need to get replaced immediately. You don’t have to wonder if it is going to turn on in the morning or it is will give you problems when you really need it.īut you have to stay on top of your spark plugs’ condition. By knowing that your spark plugs are in working order, you can have peace of mind about your vehicle’s dependability. Having your spark plugs replaced regularly means that your vehicle should have far fewer problems starting up. The majority of vehicles only have two to four of these though.īenefits of Changing Out Your Spark Plugs So a six-cylinder engine has six spark plugs. You will have one spark plug in your car for each of the engine cylinders your vehicle has. If you are experiencing problems with starting your car up, it could be the spark plugs that are at fault. The spark plugs play a key role in engine ignition. We’ve collected some example costs for spark plugs from some leading auto repair chains. The parts are also inexpensive and it’s a fairly straightforward repair, so it’s entirely possible to do the work yourself. Replacing the sparks plugs is fairly inexpensive and just about every garage will do the work for you. It is really one of the least expensive vehicle repairs you will ever need done and one of the most important parts of your car tune up. Even at a dealership you should not pay much more than the average rate for a spark plug replacement. While pricing can vary between vehicle models, the costs are so low as to be mostly negligible. It should take the mechanic a little over an hour or so to make the replacement for you. The typical amount you will pay for spark plugs is between $16-$100, while for labor on a spark plug replacement you can expect to pay around $40-$150. Now you may need to replace several at once, but it still won’t cost very much. Spark plugs are incredibly inexpensive, often costing less than ten dollars apiece.

How Much Does It Cost To Replace Spark Plugs?.

Benefits of Changing Out Your Spark Plugs.Of course, you should only remove and install spark plugs in a cool engine, because metal expands when hot and thread damage can happen. The spark plug holes must always be clean prior to installation otherwise, you may be twisting against dirt or debris and the spark plug will be under-torqued, even though your torque wrench indicates the proper torque. In short, over torquing can cause severe engine damage. The most dangerous result is pre-ignition when the heat dissipation is reduced due to metal shell stretching by over torquing. Stretching of the spark plug metal shell can break the inner gas seals or cause a fracture in the spark plug insulator. Over torque can cause the metal shell of the plug to stretch. Proper torque specs for both aluminum and cast-iron cylinder heads are listed below. As a result, the firing end of the spark plug can overheat and pre-ignition can occur. A spark plug that is under-torqued will not be fully seated in the cylinder head and heat dissipation will be slowed. Torque directly affects the ability of the spark plug firing end to dissipate heat to the cylinder head. Torque is one of the most critical aspects of spark plug installation.