They spent the night in the med tent, neither of them speaking, but enjoying a new, unspoken respect between them.

A misstep and a flourish from Kapkan, however, opened her face from brow to cheek, but Lera went for a series of bone-breaking punches to his nose and ribs before the pain overwhelmed her. It was a brutal course, culminating in Close Quarter Battle (CQB) knife training with Kapkan. Serving in the Russian Army, Lera rapidly proved herself physically and mentally tough enough to try out for the Spetsnaz. She joined the Army with an eye on becoming a Red Beret herself, on the front lines of saving lives as a Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear (CBRN) specialist. Quickly, she came to enjoy the sense of competition, camaraderie, and the mental toughness of the Russian Special Forces members. She could have a greater impact still., Lera jumped at the chance to work with Spetsnaz volunteers in a variety of conditions as she adapted the nanobots to their high-performance physiologies. Her research had saved the lives of perfect strangers, and now they were reaching out to her, sending grateful postcards and photos and letters. For the first time in her life, Lera began thinking outside of her own concerns. Russian Spetsnaz operators and special agents faced the ever-growing danger of exposure to hazardous materials including organophosphorus agents like VX gas. Lera might have stayed in Academia had she not received a visit from the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB). While she hadn't found a cure, she had found remission. She remained at NSU in the Biotechnology and Virology Laboratory, her research uncovering treatments for a variety of pathogens and neuropathies including her own through drugs and self dissolving nanites. Lera moved to Novosibirsk to study at Novosibirsk State University and graduated, with a Ph.D. She could not be sick if she stayed healthy, her young mind reasoned.Īll three Melnikova children grew up playing sports, with Lera excelling at those requiring agility and finesse but there was always the knowledge that the neuropathy would worsen unless someone found a more permanent solution. Her diagnosis was the realization of her fears, so when her parents encouraged her and her younger siblings to be physically active, she pushed herself even harder, determined to keep her body in peak condition to weather the neuropathy. Lera was nine when she was diagnosed with a neuropathy that included the slow degeneration of muscles and the loss of sensation in the limbs and extremities, Born three years after the Chernobyl disaster in the irradiated city of Gomel, Belarus, she grew up around children already suffering from birth defects.